Stress and poor mental health are the biggest cause of work-related sickness, costing businesses in the UK over £34.9 billion (£1300 for every employee each year). Today, with over 77% of employees in the UK reporting symptoms of poor mental health, this cost looks to rise.
Mental Health Support

Companies with employees engaged in any form of physical fitness report 37% lower absenteeism levels. But with over half of adults in the UK currently classified as obese, you’re more likely to be one of the companies losing over £1250 for every employee each year.
Fitness Activities

Employers pay a high price for poor nutrition. Research shows that poor nutrition accounts for 66% of productivity loss. (So, it may be time to rethink your weekly Pizza and Friday drinks, and invest in healthy workplace snacks).
Diet and Nutrition Advice
Other lifestyle choices also impact performance. Smoking alone, costs £1522 in unproductive wages each year - with smokers taking and average of 2.7 more sick days, and more breaks, adding up to a stunning 136 hours of productivity loss.

Lifestyle Coaching
The workplace has the biggest impact on our health and wellbeing. After all, we spend an enormous part of our lives at work.
But we commonly find that employees struggle to keep both physically and mentally healthy in the workplace, needing to take time away just to recover.
Today, it’s more important than ever for employers to take control and enhance employee wellbeing and maximise their business results.
By tackling all the major challenges above, we are able to help you: